Since 1998, I have tinted every car I ever owned. Throughout all that time people have been asking me if it goes bad or if the glue weakens over time. So, Here are the 43 things that you should know when getting your car windows tinted.
What is a window tint?
Window tint or window film is a thin layer of laminate film which can be installed to the exterior or interior of glass surfaces of a car, motorcycle, boats and even homes and buildings. Window tint is also known as solar control film or sun-film.
Most standard window tint films are around 1 mm to 1.5 mm thick. On the other hand, safety films around 4 mm and go up to 14 mm. Safety films are usually constructed by laminating thin layers of film together to make one thick layer of safety film.
How window tint works?
Window tint is made up of clear polyester film with a scratch-resistant coating. It also contains metal or ceramic deposits which help absorb thermal radiations and reflect some light.

When window tint film is installed on a car window it helps to keep the car cool by protecting the cabin from harmful UV and IR rays. These tint films are around 1mm thick and are applied to the inside of the window glass.
How window tint is made?
Window tint is a thin layer of clear film which contains small metallic or ceramic contents (by a chemical process) to help reflect thermal radiations of the sun.

Window tint films come in different color shades and usually absorbs some percent of visible light to make it easier on the eyes in bright sunlight.
How much does window tint costs?
Window tint prices depend on many factors like the quality of the tint film and the place where you get it done.
Usually, a mid-sized vehicle with a normal quality tint costs around 100-120 dollars and can go up to 1000 dollars for large vehicles like SUVs and Vans. Expect to pay more if your vehicle has curved windows.
Before closing the deal, always talk about the warranty so you are sure of the product and services they are going to put in. If you have a car that you are going to keep for a long time, it is always a good idea to invest in high-quality window tint and get it done from a skilled professional.
How long does the tint last?
A good quality window tint film (like ceramic tint film) installed by a skilled professional will last you around 15 years or more without a problem. A cheap tint may start bubbling and peeling off in under a year.
Will window tint hide scratches?
Yes, but kind of. It depends on how deep the scratch is.
If it is a very light scratch that is noticeable under direct sunlight then it will hide it, but if you got a deep scratch then it won’t make it magically go away instead it will make it a little less noticeable.
Scratches are less noticeable due to the clear adhesive that fills in the scratch when we install tint films. This only applies to scratches that are inside the window.
Can window tint help with heat?
Yes. Window tint helps by blocking glare, heat, UV and IR rays generated by our yellow friend, the sun. It acts as an insulation to reject thermal radiations and only allows visible light to pass through. Some clear tint films let all the light pass through but reject the heat making your car much cooler and comfortable.

Window tint can also be useful in winters to help keep the heat inside.
Are window tints legal in states?
Yes. Window tints are legal in states but that is not it. There are different rules for every state that tells about what type of tints are allowed.
For example, in California, the front side windows must allow more than 80 percent light or a minimum of 70% VLT (Visible Light Transmission) if combined with factory-tinted windows. On the back, any tint can be used ONLY if the vehicle has side mirrors that provide 200 feet of visibility. This also allows for tinting upper 4 inches off windshield to be tinted. The tints should be no more reflective than a standard window.
Always check with your local DMV or law enforcement authorities.
Are window tints dangerous?
It makes sense to use window tint films to reduce bright sunlight and keep heat out but too dark of window tints can be dangerous.
Window tints that are too dark are security issues and drastically reduce visibility at night by a lot which can increase the risk of road accidents.
This is why there are laws to regulate window tints so people can be safe when driving around.
Will window tint fail inspection?
Yes, if your tint is too dark. Dark tints reduce visibility be a lot and may cause road accidents. This makes your car not safe on the road for you and other drivers hence resulting in a failed inspection.
You have to get your window tints redone (according to state’s window tinting law and VLT% limits) to get a pass on inspection. Keep in mind that DMV is serious about tints for our safety and security.
Will window tint fail inspection?
Yes, if your tint is too dark. Dark tints reduce visibility be a lot and may cause road accidents. This makes your car not safe on the road for you and other drivers hence resulting in a failed inspection.
You have to get your window tints redone (according to state’s window tinting law and VLT% limits) to get a pass on inspection. Keep in mind that DMV is serious about tints for our safety and security.
How window tint is measured?
Window tints are measured by the amount of visible light that can pass through a window after the tint is applied, also referred to as VLT%.
Most tint film installers can tell the VLT% of a window by just looking at it. Law enforcement and most professional retailers use an electronic device which is clips on to the window and uses a laser to get very precise readings.
How window tint percentage works?
Car window tint films are usually measured in visible light transmission (VLT) percentage. The lower the percentage the darker the windows will be from the inside of the cabin.

What window tint is best?
When it comes to window tint films, you get what you paid for.
The ideal way is going for a good quality tint film such as a ceramic one because it will be more effective in heat rejection by blocking UV and IR rays from the sun. Ceramic tint films also last a long time (usually anywhere from 15 to 20 years or more if taken good care) and won’t fade out like the cheap metallic and dyed ones do. If you have the budget then buy the ceramic tint film or else go for the dyed ones.
What window tint is best?
When it comes to window tint films, you get what you paid for.
The ideal way is going for a good quality tint film such as a ceramic one because it will be more effective in heat rejection by blocking UV and IR rays from the sun. Ceramic tint films also last a long time (usually anywhere from 15 to 20 years or more if taken good care) and won’t fade out like the cheap metallic and dyed ones do. If you have the budget then buy the ceramic tint film or else go for the dyed ones.
Can you tint your windshield?
No. Windshields are not allowed to be tinted in any state but some states can allow you to add a tinted stripe on the top layer of your windshield. This stripe can vary from 4 to 6 inches depending on your state.Paragraph
However you can install a clear ceramic film to reduce heat coming from the windshield.
What to look for in a window tint installer?
Always look for the history of a successful business. Any modern window tint will be on social media. Look for decent reviews on yelp or google like you would for any place. Examine their shop for quality and make sure the guy doesn’t seem shady.
How to window tint at home?
Installing a tint film on your windows is not a difficult job but it requires some experience and a little bit of patience.
Some companies precut tint film to match your vehicle.
You will need a microfiber cleaning cloth, stainless steel blade, a scraper and squeegee, soap water, heat gun and pair of hands. If you are not comfortable you can try a spray-on tint.
My advice is to try to do it right the first time.
Precut window tints?
There are a lot of companies that sell CNC precut window tint films matched to your exact vehicle’s dimensions.
This service makes tint film installation a lot easier as you do not have to manually measure and cut the film for each window glass that you want to tint. Always go for the companies that sell high quality precut tint films.
Can you apply window tint without damaging glass?
Yes. Window tint is just a thin film that does not damage or scratch your glass. The adhesive is specially made to stick to glass and not damage it.
However, window tint film can damage plexiglass or plastic glass because the adhesive will make a permanent bond to plastic due to its chemical properties.
Can you get the windows wet after tinting?
Yes. Window tint film is installed on the inside of the glass so you can easily wash your car or leave it in rain without worrying about tint. Car windows are water sealed so no water can get inside during rain or a car wash.
How long do you have to wait to roll down windows after tint?
Window tint should be installed in summer months or a temperature-controlled work area as this gives it the ideal heat to dry and cure adhesive to the glass in about two to three days.
Some workshops also recommend waiting around 4-5 days for tint to fully cure so it won’t peel off when you roll down your windows.
Can window tint films be removed?
Yes. Window tint films are designed to be peeled off so they are easily removable. Removing car window tints is far easy than to install them. You might be tempted to just peel off the damaged window tint but doing so will (most likely) tear off the tint and leave sticky residue behind.
How to remove window tint glue?
Window tint glue is like any other glue but it is more sticky and strong. You can use 71% or 90% isopropyl alcohol and lint-free cloth to gently dissolve and remove the glue.
Do not scrape with any metal tool as it can cause scratching on the glass. Instead use a plastic squeegee or stainless steel blade to remove it.
How to remove window tint without scratching glass?
Be patient when removing the tint and you will be fine. Using a stainless steel blade will prevent the glass from scratching.
Also, use a ton of soapy water (or Windex) when scraping off glue residue to lubricate the glass to prevent scratching it.
Can window tint be applied on the outside?
No. Window tint needs protection from outdoor elements like sand and water. Window tint, if installed on the outside will be exposed to weather conditions that will degrade it much quicker and won’t allow for maximum durability.
Be patient when removing the tint and you will be fine. Using a stainless steel blade will prevent the glass from scratching.
Also, use a ton of soapy water (or Windex) when scraping off glue residue to lubricate the glass to prevent scratching it.
Can window tint fade?
Yes and No. You get what you paid for.
If you use a low-quality tint film then yes it will start to show discoloration and fading in maybe about 4 or 6 months. Bad weather conditions like harsh sunlight will experience color fading and bubbling faster than a good quality tint film installed by a skilled professional (and taken good care) can last around 10 years easily if not more.
Replacing cheap quality and inexpensive tints several times may cost more than a good quality tint in the long run. Unlike dyed tint films, carbon tint films will not fade over time.
How long can the tinted window last?
Life of a window tint depends on the type of tint and installation method. A normal quality tint can last around 5 years while on the other hand, a good quality tint installed by a trained professional can last at least 10 years or more. Ceramic or carbon tint films are the best and usually come with a lifetime warranty. You get what you pay for.
Can window tint be repaired?
Yes. Window tint is just a thin film that has a scratch-proof coating but can easily get scratched by sharp objects.
Depending on what type of damage is done and how big the scratched area is window tint can be easily replaced or patched (if the tint is very rare or expensive).
If the patch is done by a skilled professional, no one can tell that the tint has been worked on.
Can the window tint be redone?
Yes. Anytime. Window tint is just a thin film that is applied to your window glass by a clear adhesive which is not permanent by any means. You can get it removed or redone at any point you would like.
Redoing window tints can be a little bit more expensive due to the removal of the existing tint.
What should you do about small bubbles after fresh tint?
Go for the warranty. Small bubbles caused after fresh tint may be caused by poor installation or defects in the tint film. They are also caused if your tint wasn’t fully cured and you rolled your windows down.
You should go to your automobile service provider who did your tints to talk to them about this and may get a free redone if you’re eligible.
Can window tint be used on tail lights?
Depends. Window tint films are designed to block heat and radiations from passing through. So if you use window tint films to smoke or tint your tail lights then the heat generated by the bulbs will trap inside and might cause the tail light to break.
Although tail light tint laws differ from state to state you should first check with your local law enforcement authorities.
It is best to not tint tail lights for your safety and safety of others around you.
Can window tint cause window glass to crack?
No. Window tint film is just a thin layer of film that is installed by a clear, strong adhesive.
Although the adhesive is strong enough to keep the film in place during regular, everyday use. But it comes off pretty easily with a little heat and some gentle scraping leaving your window glass intact.
Can window tint affect radio reception?
No. Modern day window tint films do not affect radio or cellular reception inside the cabin.
Metallic tint films are the technology of the past (and are illegal in most states due to its reflectiveness) and they not only block thermal radiations but also the radio and cellular reception due to metallic particles that are in the tint itself.
Ceramic films are far superior in blocking heat and radiation and won’t affect your cellular or radio reception.
Can window tint be applied to plexiglass?
No. Plexiglass and Plastic windows tend to outgas which can result in bubbling of the tint film.
Another drawback of using regular window tint on plexiglass is that it can create a permanent bond with the plastic. So if you ever want to remove the tint film it will most likely damage the plexiglass.
However, you can use a special tint film that is designed for plexiglass or plastic windows.
Can window tint be layered?
Yes. If it is legal in your state then layering window tint is no big deal. It would be wise to check the quality and life of the existing tint.
Replacing the dying tint film would be more expansive in the later future. Also, note that your warranty is probably going to end for piggyback installs.
Or just get a darker tint, if that’s what you are going for.
Can window tint be taken off?
Yes. Window tint can be taken off at any time of your vehicle’s life span. It is just a thin film applied with some adhesive and takes only a little heat and light scraping to pull it off leaving your windows intact.
Most automotive service centers can take it off in 10 minutes or so.
Can you install a window tint on a heated glass?
Yes. Having a window tint film installed on a heated glass or a rear window with defroster will not affect its use, but you will find that the tint film will help spread heat evenly and defrost more quickly than before.
Will removing tint damage the defroster?
There is always the risk. Most auto service providers will charge a good amount (around 80 to 100$ or maybe more) for removing rear window tint and probably warn you before about the risk of damaging the thin metal defroster lines.
The key to removing the tint and not damaging the defroster is to be very careful and gentle on the defroster lines.
Why my window tint is coming off?
Window tint film starts to peel when the adhesive starts to dry out and lose its stickiness due to sun exposure OR the adhesive was not properly bonded to the glass in the first place.
A peeling film is usually covered in the warranty so you can get it fixed for free.
Why my window tint is bubbling?
Sometimes when installing a window tint, tiny water droplets can get stuck inside which usually evaporates on its own in about 15-20 days.
If the bubbles last for longer than 20 days then there is probably air trapped inside which is a sign of poor application. To prevent air bubbles in window tints, proper application is required with professional workmanship.
Can I get window tint to match privacy glass?
Yes. You can get a window tint film to match your privacy glass very easily. Usually, privacy glass is darker (around 30% VLT) than the legal allowed VLT% in many states. A dark front tint combined with big A-pillars on modern cars may reduce your visibility and cause road accidents.
Does rain affect window tint?
No. Window tint is installed on the inside of the glass so it can be protected from weather elements including rain. You do not have to worry about your window tint going bad if it’s raining or snowing.
Can you window tint yourself?
Yes, you can but I won’t recommend it. How long your window tints are going to last depends on how good of an application was done.
You can learn to tint first on a sample glass and some inexpensive tint and then do on your windows when you are comfortable.
How to take care of a window tint?
Taking care of window tint films is very easy and ensures a long life. Make sure to not roll down windows when the tint is curing as this will result in film peeling off. This is the number one mistake people make.
When cleaning the tint always use a lint-free or microfiber cleaning clothing with an ammonia-free cleaner (such as foam glass cleaner) as ammonia will eat away the tint over a long period. To avoid spots or cleaning marks, you can try spraying the cleaner on the cloth instead of glass.